Monday 28 August 2017

Why You Should Not Use an Already Sliced Onion Which Has Overstayed

In 1919, flu killed 40 million people.

A doctor visited the many farmers who had the attack to see if he could help them combat the flu.

Many of the farmers & their family had contracted the flu and many died.

However, the doctor came upon one farmer whose family was healthy and nobody in the house contracted the flu.

The doctor asked the farmer what he was doing that was different from the others.

Image result for ONIONS IN A DISH The farmer's wife replied that she put an unpeeled onion in a dish and placed them in all the rooms in their house.

The doctor thought that could have been the cure so he asked for one of those onions.

As he placed it under the microscope, he found the flu virus in the onion. The onions obviously absorbed all the bacteria and thereby kept the family healthy.

Now, I sent this story to a friend in Oregon who regularly contributes material to me on health issues. She replied with this most interesting experience about onions:

She said ' Thanks for the reminder. I don't know about the farmer's story but, I do know that I myself got pneumonia and became very ill. From my previous knowledge about onions, I  cut both ends off an onion put it into an empty jar, and place the jar next to myself over night.

By the morning, I began to feel better while the onion became black.'

Lots of times when we have stomach problems we don't know what to blame. Maybe the onions that we ate earlier are to blame.

Image result for ONIONSOnions ABSORB BACTERIA and that is the reason why they are so good at preventing us from getting colds & flu.

And for that very reason we should NOT eat an onion that has been sitting for a time after it has been cut open.

Left over onions are poisonous

When food poisoning is reported, the first thing the officials look for is whether the 'victim'  ate ONIONS and where those onions came from. Most probably the ONIONS, are the cause.

Onions are huge magnets for bacteria, especially uncooked ones.
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Never ever keep a portion of sliced onion over a period of time and thereafter use it to prepare food. It's not even safe if you put it in a zip-lock bag and placed it in your refrigerator. It is still poisonous.

Also, do not give onions to dogs. Their stomachs cannot metabolize onions.

Image result for ONIONSPlease remember it is dangerous to cut an onion and try to save it to cook with the next day, it becomes highly poisonous for even a single night - as it creates toxic bacteria which causes adverse stomach infections because of excess bile secretions and even food poisoning.

Let as many as possible people know this.


 Dangers of vocal misuse/ overuse....
Ever found yourself having lost your voice to an extent you pause singing for a while. Below u will find to what extent u can overstretch your vocals and ways that can lead to vocal abuse>>>>

Vocal misuse is using the voice in a way that causes it to be injured. These behaviors can lead to vocal fold lesions (bumps or calluses on the vocal folds), and in some cases can cause permanent damage to the voice.

Examples of vocal misuse include:

Yelling, screaming and hollering (including cheerleading)
Throat clearing and coughing
Loud talking
Talking in noisy situations (sporting events, restaurants, bars, parties, social gatherings, industrial settings)
Singing without warming up the voice or without singing training
> Use a noise maker or gesture to gain someone’s attention instead of yelling or screaming.
>Walk over to the person you want to talk to or have them come to you instead of yelling across the room or from another room.
>Use easy throat clearing.
Avoid talking in noisy situations. If you are in a noisy situation:
>Get close to the person to whom you want to speak.
>Put an earplug in one ear so that you can monitor how loud your voice is.
>Use a microphone if you have to speak in a large room or in front of an audience or class.
>If your job or social setting requires you to use your voice a lot, give yourself “voice breaks” or times when you don’t use your voice for a while to let your voice rest.
>Use a hands-free device or hold the receiver in your hand when you speak on the telephone instead of propping it between your ear and shoulder.
>Avoid speaking in stressful situations or when you are overly tense.
>Avoid whispering.

Kindly lets take good care of our voices since they are key in our musical growth.

Wish you all the best as you aspire to build up your vocals.

Why Christmas ball lights are the best Outdoor Christmas Decoration Accessories

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For some people, Christmas is not fun without a well decorated Christmas tree. Others focus on decorating their front porch. But do you know Christmas ball lights outdoor decorations can make all the difference? If you are one who wants to decorate your outdoors with something unique, then you’ll want to install Christmas ball lights outdoor.

What are Christmas ball lights?
Christmas light balls are to a great degree well known outdoor Christmas enhancements that are extraordinary in appearance. Ordinarily found in summer parties, new year/Christmas
events, garden events, and other exquisite presentations, Christmas light balls outdoor enhancements are in reality simple to install.

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 Features of Christmas Ball Lights.
Christmas Ball Lights are waterproof and suitable for indoor as well as outdoor use.· They are made to hung on fences, between trees and on the side of the wall. · Some of them have built-in rechargeable battery that gives the lights for power for extended hours.· Some Christmas Ball Lights outdoor decorations are made in such a way that they turn on automatically when night falls to create a warm-atmosphere and ambience.


Image result for christmas ball lightsIf you want to spice up your outdoor décor, add some unique hanging decoration to your outdoor space with Christmas light balls outdoor decorations. It is a easy and great way to make your neighborhood glamorous. Make sure you garden glows this summer with these amazing Christmas ball outdoor lights.

Pakistani Fintech Startup Aims to helps new-to-credit and unbanked customers to access Credit

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CreditFix, a Pakistani-based fintech firm are working on a system that will approving loans from consumers in Pakistan that other lenders have denied them credit.

About CreditFix
CreditFix was founded by Owais Zaidi after he was approached for a 1,000 rupee loan by a taxi driver to fix his car tires, but couldn’t afford the 50 rupee daily interest that banks would charge him. Though he donated the cash to the taxi driver, he was greatly concerned on how the poor were exploited by predatory lending practices ; including loan sharks. As a result of this, CreditFix was founded in 2016. Through CreditFix, he planned to build a loan market that used different criteria to determine a person’s credit worthiness. This was so to consumers who could not access bank loans. The company is now located in Islamabad, Pakistan.

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 Owais Zaidi

 CreditFix Website
The CreditFix website states that approximately 95% of adults in Pakistan don’t have access to financial services. CreditFix has come in to tackle this problem by using different criteria including predictive modelling to determine a person’s creditworthiness. If you visit the CreditFix website they have stated that the loans granted will help protect consumers from lenders that use absurd lending practices especially in the informal credit market.
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CreditFix Programme
CreditFix plans to launch a pilot programme in August. This programme will kickstart with 50,000 potential customers. CreditFix’s platform will use different data to determine the borrowers’ credit worthiness. From utility payments , mobile topups to work histories it will be easy for lenders to come up with credit scores that will determine the credit limits for potential customers.
In a statement, Owais Zaidi reiterated that CreditFix aims to facilitate access of fair credit by the unbanked population especially credit for revenue generating assets.

Mobile Use in Pakistan
In Pakistan, there are over 130 million people who have access to mobile phones. This statistics were released by The Express Tribune. But according to the
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority there is a definite increase of mobile phone users when compared to its 2016 figures.
This wide use of mobile phones have enabled CreditFix to come up with a mobile app that enables users to access credit within five simple steps. Consumers can access credit from CreditFix if their loans fit in these four categories :
· Livestock finance,
· Smart grid finance,
· Farm equipment finance and

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· Car finance.

With the advancement of Fintech, traditional form of credit may be in trouble. It is hoped that this platform from CreditFix will enable access to fair and transparent credit to millions of Pakistani citizens that can access loans from regulated financial institutions.