Monday 25 November 2013


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One day a father decided to take his boy out in the field to fly a kite The boy was so overwhelmed as It was his first experience with kite flying. His father helped him, and after several attempts the kite was in the air. The boy ran and let out more string, and soon the kite was flying high. The little boy was so excited; the kite was beautiful. Eventually there was no more string left to allow the kite to go higher. The boy said to his father, "Daddy, let's cut the string and let the kite go; I want to see it go higher and higher."

His father said, "Son, the kite won't go higher if we cut the string."
"Yes, it will," responded the little boy. "The string is holding the kite down; I can feel it." The father handed a pocketknife to his son. The boy cut the string. In a matter of seconds the kite was out of control. It darted here and there and finally landed in a broken heap. That was difficult for the boy to understand. He felt certain the string was holding the kite down.

Deuteronomy 30:9-10, 15-17
9 Then the LORD your God will make you most prosperous in all the work of your hands and in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your land. The LORD will again delight in you and make you prosperous, just as he delighted in your fathers, 10 if you obey the LORD your God and keep his commands and decrees that are written in this Book of the Law and turn to the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
15 See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. 16 For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.
17 But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, 18 I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess.

 Image result for kite pictures
Many are the times we feel that the commands that God has laid down for us in His word are holding us back and we want to soar higher and higher. Is not amazing that when we are down, we seek God with all that we have. We attach ourselves to Him and we give Him our all. We pray we go to church; we give the little that we have oohh so faithfully and alas! God does begin to lift us up. Like the kite we begin to soar higher and higher. God’s blessings are all over our life and we are on top of the world. Then the very things that got us off the ground seem like they are hindering us to be all that we can be. We no longer have time for prayer; we can no longer come to church because we have to work overtime. We are so busy we cannot find the time to read the word of God and like the boy, we cut ourselves from the life line. We think all this requirements are pulling us back but the moment we cut ourselves off, we lose control and the wind pushes us from side to side. Instead of going higher and higher, we come tumbling down instead.

The laws of God are there for our good and once we step out of their boundaries then we will be tossed about with all manner of winds causing our life to come tumbling down.
Just like the boy, we will feel like the commands of God are pulling us behind but the reality of the matter is, without them, we don’t have the capability to soar up high with wings like the eagle

God’s laws lead and guide us upwards. Obedience to these laws gives us peace hope and direction. No matter how high God elevates you, don’t make the mistake of cutting yourself off from His commandments especially when you feel like they are pulling you behind.

No matter what heights of success you achieve, never detach yourself from God, for this one always keep the strings attached.

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