Thursday 26 February 2015

How to Identify the Best Steak Knives

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The success to a delicious, savory steak not only depends on maintaining the flavor inside it but also on the neatly cut shapes. Research in science and nutrition has proved that the act of slicing the meat capillaries may either maintain or lose the juice contained inside the steak. How then should you slice your steak? Which tool is the best for cutting your steak? Here, we will describe the best steak cutting knives and why they are the best for preparing steak.
Quality steak knives should firmly glides through your steak, slicing fewer of the meat capillaries thus maintaining most of the juice contained inside. Most of these knives are hand-sharpened up to a 16degree, thin blade angle. You will be amazed by the quality output these knives add to the flavor of your steaks. Below, we discuss some specifications that will guide you to purchasing quality steak knives.
 Most of these knives should have a 16 degree, thin blade angle sharp enough to cut through the steak’s small capillaries thus retaining the juice inside. A D-shaped ebony ergonomic handle is recommended due to its firm grasp. Check whether the knife has a manufacturer's limited lifetime warranty that will guarantee your satisfaction. They should be sharp, a 5-inch stainless steel blade should suffice and will ensure smooth and even slicing. Most of their blades have a mix of VG-10 steel that is stainless each side having 16 layers of high carbon steel.

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      Some of the benefits that accompany usage of these knives include: - their high resistance to corrosion makes them the best when it comes to avoiding stains and rust. They are easy to clean since their excellent edge reduces the probability of food sticking on the knife making them gorgeous and shiny. However, the knives require regular maintenance and should be sharpened regularly by a professional sharpener. It is also advisable that you wash and wipe the knife well after use to avoid bacteria from infesting.
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      Some of these steak knives include:- The Shun Classic, Wousthof Gormet, Outset Jackson among others and can be purchased online at

However, caution should be taken when handling these knives since they may cause bodily harm if used irresponsibly. They should be kept out of reach for children.
In conclusion, I will emphasize on the fact that friends and guests will always enjoy steak when the right cutting tool is used. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you purchase one set which will make your kitchen experience enjoyable.

How To Make Disciples For Jesus Christ

Image result for Jesus photo   Image result for Jesus photo

As part of the great commission which is mentioned in Matthew 28:19, reaching out and raising new disciples for Christ has been crucial if not a mandate to all believers. Jesus Christ led by example by demonstrating excellent discipleship skills ranging from teaching his 12 disciples to reaching out to the sinful Samaritan woman at the well. Basing on this great commission, we will share on ways we can make disciples for Jesus Christ.

By making our deeds count
In Matthew 5:14 we are reminded that we are the light of the world. In short, we are supposed to make disciples by our good deeds. They should reflect Christ who dwells in us. How do you treat those who hurt you? A simple “sorry”,  “thank you”, may go a long way in winning a soul to Christ. 

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By loving one another
If you carefully study 1 Corinthians 13, you will notice that love acts as a foundation and an answer to many things.  A simple act of love to a brother may win him over to Christ.

By teaching the word of God to all.
As defined by Christ’s, the purpose of the church is to guide and enlighten believers and non-believers on the word of God. This will make men and women who not only love the Lord but also live deep committed lives to the Lord, His Word, and His people. Are you actively helping your congregation grow in this vital purpose for the church?

By Witnessing God’s word to the non-believers
In order to make disciples, we need to reach out to the lost by sharing God’s word. As the bible clear states in Matthew 9:37-38, “the harvest is plentiful but the people who labor are few”, we should strive to be part of the laborers that win more souls to Christ.  Our hearts should bear Christ’s burden of reaching out to the lost souls.  However, while we focus on the evangelistic aspect to Christ’s great commission, we also need to focus on His instructions that go beyond just spreading the gospel. We need to make disciples, helping new believers grow in faith and develop deep love for God.
With these great ways I am certain, we will raise great disciples that fear the Lord. Remember, discipleship starts with you, right where you are. Make efforts to preach the word of God in your homes, offices, market place until the ends of the world.