Thursday 26 February 2015

What does the clarity of a diamond mean?

According to the International Grading Systems, diamonds are graded according to four categories referred to as the four Cs of diamond grading. These Cs refer to Carat, Color, Cut and Clarity. In this article we will delve to establish what diamond clarity refers to and how it influences the diamond industry.
By definition, Diamond clarity refers to a level of quality in a diamond that is free from inclusions and blemishes. Perhaps we may need to define this further. In simple terms, diamonds are graded with the extent to which they are devoid of these inclusions and blemishes. So what are these inclusions and blemishes? Inclusions refer to internal imperfections in a diamond that range from crystals of foreign objects, cavities, cleavage to laser lines. On the other hand, blemishes refer to external defects of a diamond that may include: polish lines, grain boundaries, naturals among others.
So how are these diamonds graded based on their clarity? Most International Grading Systems take into account various factors that range from the size, location, color to visibility of inclusions. Usually the diamond is subjected to a ten times magnification where a diamond expert assigns a clarity grade based on the overall outlook of the stone. The grades may range from “Flawless” to “Obvious inclusions”, which are marked with initials (FL) and (I3) respectively. If you consider their values, diamonds with Flawless grades always fetch at higher prices than those with obvious inclusions.
However, it’s important to note that low quantities of inclusions and blemishes can be used as identifying marks and can also act as a very efficient factor in distinguishing between synthetic and natural diamonds.
Nevertheless, all is not lost if a diamond is graded with a low clarity, since diamond experts have formed ways to enhance the clarity of diamonds. They use latest technology to correct any clarity defaults in a diamond ranging from laser drilling to fracture filling. A vendor must disclose such enhancement details to their buyers.
Well, I hope the above deep description on diamond clarity has given you more insight on this precious stone.

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