Sunday 9 July 2017

Eight Tips You Should Consider While Buying a Garden Trowel

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In a gardener’s shed, you will find various tools that help a gardener to maintain his garden. Of all these tools you won’t lack a garden trowel; a small tool that a gardener uses to plant and weed. The word trowel is derived from a Latin word-Truella which signifies a small ladle. Most people who have never seen it before often refer to it as a hand shovel. When it comes to planting and weeding, a garden trowel comes in handy. It has a well propelled cross section that enables it to scoop soil easily with little or no spillage. It is an indispensable tool for planting and weeding. In the market, you will find a variety of garden trowels. Of all these, you need to choose the best. But what makes a good garden trowel? What should you be looking for when you are buying a garden trowel? In this article we share some tips that will help you choose the best garden trowel for your garden.

1.Check the weight
Image result for garden trowel picturesBefore purchasing a garden trowel it is important that you consider the weight. It should not be too heavy or too light. Try and have a feel of it with your hand and gauge its weight before you buy it. One thing you should keep in mind is that gardening requires a lot of efforts especially when it comes to digging holes. This is why you need to have a trowel with a weight that you can bear comfortably. From experience, light trowels put less strain on the wrists hence are more ergonomic. Therefore, it is advisable that if you are planting series of plants in a row, consider using a light trowel. That way you will not get tired easily. 

2.Consider the functions you intend to use the garden trowel for
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There are different types of trowels and each are of different size and shape. Another thing to note is that each trowel is well suited for certain functions. For example, you will find narrow trowels good at weeding and transplanting while those with a sharp-pointed blade good at breaking up dirt and digging holes in harder soils. Therefore, it is important that always find a garden trowel that will suit your needs. 

3.Blade should be made of metal
A garden trowel has two main parts: the handle and the blade. You need to make great considerations on the two while making a purchase. You may buy a trowel whose blade is too malleable to even dig a hole. Therefore, it is important that you buy a trowel with a high quality blade. From experience, metallic blades function better than any other type of blades. You may go for steel blades or even consider aluminium. All you need to do is to check the composition. You can apply some force on the blade to see whether it will bend. If it stays still, then it is a quality blade. You don’t have to apply too much force, moderate force is good to go. 

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4.Go for a rubber coated metallic handle
Image result for garden trowel picturesWhen it comes to the handle, comfort is key. You will not want to spend hours in the garden armed with a garden trowel that is rough and uncomfortable. Don’t go for plastic handles, they are not strong and are quite uncomfortable. You may end up getting blisters. A good rubber-coated metallic handle is what you should look for. You can look for those that have grooves that will fit your fingers. Though you may prefer one without grooves, ensure that you feel comfortable while handling your trowel. What you need to look for in a trowel is simple: a tool that doesn’t hurt your hands. 

5.Don't generally go for cheap trowels
It is well worth putting resources into a fantastic trowel - even top of the range trowels are not costly. Maintain a strategic distance from stamped metal trowels - these shoddy apparatuses have a short life expectancy. They will twist or the joint between the handle and blade will turn out to be free. Great quality trowels have a carbon steel blade decidedly settled to a powder or hickory handle. To the extent cost goes, you can get a good trowel for just cost $10. Trowels are one device I know many individuals have had fortunes with at low costs. According to the market average, spending more around that $30-$50 cost range will expand your odds of picking a high quality garden trowel. 

6.Ought to have a superior cutting edge
Image result for garden trowel picturesEnsure that the trowel has a superior cutting edge. It's sufficiently overwhelming to effortlessly and perfectly isolate carrots into cuts. In any case, it can cuts hair roots apathetically, leaving prodding strands on the trimming load up. To show signs of improvement results on that sort of sensitive cutting, you'll require the super sharp edge type of trowel.Some trowels have a convenient profundity gage joined into the blade to help the nursery worker precisely measure how profound they are planting. 

7.Go for a trowel with long handles
A long handle will enhance the scope of the trowel. Since quite a while ago handled trowels are valuable for plant specialists who need to abstain from stooping. Nonetheless, it is critical to dodge the enticement to twist from the hips when utilizing a trowel - this is a certain formula for back agony. 

8.Go for Steel instead of Aluminum trowels
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There are additionally some not too bad aluminum trowels available. Aluminum trowels are thrown in one piece so there is no compelling reason to stress over whether the blade is adequately tied down in the handle. Aluminum won't rust yet it is not as solid as steel and does not bolster a decent bleeding edge - aluminum blades free their sharpness and are inclined to contributing rough soils. There are one-piece trowels available with elastic or plastic covered handles to shield the plant specialist from the icy feel of a metal handle. 

As seen above, a tool that you must have in your garden. It is the best tool to use for planting seedlings, bulbs, and other little plants. Garden trowels are available with great features such as strong handles and blades with sharp-pointed tips. Though some have warped edges you can still use them to cut through small roots. You also can use them to eliminate small weeds. Therefore, when you are shopping for a trowel always look at the above factors. That way you are guaranteed to have a trowel with a solid-forged-steel construction, one that is strong and flexible, while comfortable to use.

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