Monday 17 July 2017

Three Tips on dive light depth ratings that you should consider when purchasing a dive light

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The more you dive deeper into the water, the more the water becomes darker. In the end, the sun's rays can never again saturate the water, abandoning you out of the loop - unless you're a seasoned diver. You may likewise require a light to look into crevaces and enjoy exploring the enormous ocean life. While some dive lights are manufactured with low depth ratings; you may need to match the dive light depth ratings with the depth of your dive. What factors on depth rating should you put into consideration when purchasing a dive light? 
Factors on Dive Light depth ratings that you need to Consider
Image result for dive light picturesBefore choosing which dive light to buy, think about your jumping propensities. 

1.Know your diving depth range
Are you a profound diver who dives beyond the 100 feet mark or do you remain in the 0-99 feet range? 

2.Does the dive light match your depth range?
Image result for dive light picturesOn the off chance that you pick a dive light that is not depth rated for your coveted dive depth, you may end up in a terrible circumstance. Lights that are taken to depths that are more noteworthy than their endorsed rating face spills, break-age, and different breakdowns. 

3. Are you diving for recreation or are you venturing into deep waters?
For standard recreational divers, a standard depth dive light ought to do the trick, yet those daring to venture into deep waters or doing expanded night plunging may be more disposed to run with a bigger single handed grip style dive light that can truly impact out some wattage to light up your environment. For those profound water divers a 120m/390 ft dive light depth rating, is all that could possibly be needed. Otherwise, dive light depth rated to 300 feet can satisfy all recreational-diving needs.
Image result for dive light pictures 
Light power is an essential measure to consider. Be careful with fabricate claims that are not guaranteed. A quality dive light is fixed so you don't have to whine with O-rings and intended to direct the ability to keep up consistent yield over the whole run time. This matters for photography and videography where you have to rely on upon your light for quality pictures. You don't need your light blurring exactly when you are getting to the darkest parts of your dive.

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