Thursday 20 July 2017

Is Johnny Chan Broke?

Image result for johnny chan poker
Johnny Chan is one of the very best at poker. We've had this thread or variation a ton of times. However, with the many skeptics making round in the internet, could he be broke? 

Has Johny Chan gone broke?
Image result for johnny chan pokerEver since Johnny’s lawyer advised him to keep off from online gaming as it could cause him problems in the future, Chan has kept it low in the online gaming scene. This is after he got into a situation back in 2010 where he lent his name to a poker site which was eventually shut hence damaging his reputation. If I may ask, how many POD's has he been on? Mmm.. u may not be sure…a whole lot is it? And he has won like 95% of them. However, with all these wins he never plays online. This is what is making rounds on the internet; thus making Johny Chan appear to be broke. He consoles himself with Sam Farha who never plays on the internet and remains to be a very good player. Most people claim that there are so many pokers that are broke, only a select few will make anything from pokers. Is this true? Could Johny Chan be broke too?

A Child Prodigy
Having being born in China in 1957, Johny Chan is a Chinese-born American professional poker player. He has won 10-World-Series-of-Poker-bracelets, including the 1987 and 1988 World Series of Poker main events consecutively. At age 16, back in the mid-1970s, Johny first came to Vegas. He got a room at the Landmark Hotel. He struggled to pay his air fare, and all the buffet he could eat. Little did he know that he would excel in gaming.

Johnny Chan claims he ran 200$ up to 30k in his first poker session in Las Vegas.
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Is something like this believable? Yes it is, but do you know he lost it all back the next day.? He saved it up and went straight to the blackjack table. By half past three, on his first afternoon in town, He was broke. Later, after he moved to Vegas he worked as a cook and was broke many times. Also you have to remember that was back then when there were a lot of bad players. Also very few players had a lot of experience unlike now where players have hundreds of thousands and even millions of hands under their belt from playing on the computer.

In the late 1970s or early 1980s; that’s when he decided to come out here, play small and not go broke. There was so much cocaine around Vegas. He went to parties and people had bowls of it. He later went ahead to win his first main event bracelet in 1987 and got his hands on $ 625,000. 

Health problems
Johnny Chan’s setback in online gaming came because he got fatigued. This was occasioned by the many restless nights he made before he was advised to refrain from playing online pokies. As any normal pokie player, he would like to have seen the money but sleeping good at night was more important. Personally he did not play on the site, or any poker site. He does not play on the internet.

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Johnny Chan’s Top 5 Tournament Cashes
Johnny is a pro when it comes to cashing in a tournament
  • On 9th February 2005, he cashed $750,000 in the No-Limit Hold'em Main Event 2005 Poker Superstars Invitational. This is the highest he has cashed in any single tournament.
  • The second highest stake Johnny has ever won was on 16th May 1988 where he cashed $700,000 in the No Limit Hold'em World Championship 19th World Series of Poker (WSOP) 1988. 
  •   Earlier on the 17th May 1987, he had cashed a whopping $625,000 in the No Limit Hold'em World Championship 18th World Series of Poker (WSOP) 1987.
  •   Later on the 13th November 2005, he cashed $400,000 in the Grand Final Poker Superstars Invitational Tournament Season 2.
  •  To close this best five list, Jack cashed $303,025 on the 26th June 2005 in the famous Pot-Limit Hold'em 2005 36th Annual World Series of Poker.

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So is Johnny Chan broke?
The fact that most pokie sites are posting about how great Johnny Chan is, makes me think he is trolling, but I'll combine the posts together and give my own perspective. Yes, Chan was great in Rounders back then. No other Poker pro at the time could have pulled it off. Good thing they didnt make that movie today. This pulls this question, is Johnny losing his past glory? Does his style of playing beat current gaming trends? I'm afraid the image of 'poker player' is changing for the worse, people are now viewing guys like Dwan as successful gamers. Poker needs to return to the "cool" image of the past, the Johnny Chan’s gaming era. 

The notion that Johnny Chan is broke is not substantial. The fact that he keeps off from online games does not mean he is broke. What is he up to? Chan mostly plays baccarat. You will wonder with such immense poker knowledge, what would draw him to such a game. He claims baccarat is his side game that he plays when he gets bored with other mainstream poker games. Having played on the High Stakes Poker in the past and not being invited back was a big disappointment for Johnny back in 2009. But now, he feels at the top of gaming. Having faced steep competition from “durrrr” (Tom Dwan) in the Poker After Dark, Johnny feels that he is still at the top. He says that durrrr’s gaming should pass the test of time like his gaming has. 
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Nowadays Johnny Chan appears to generally concentrate on poker related organizations and has invested intensely in few organizations. He was the image of Chan Poker online poker website for some time and is currently working with All in Energy Drink. Johnny Chan is simply one more regular old clock who fell behind the poker bend because of the progression of the amusement on the web. nothing to see here. Among poker recorders, Johnny Chan rules as an especially poker champion. While there are poker players earning over $ 1m per month from the online gaming sites, Johnny is comfortable with the little that he gets. It is true that Johny Chan has lost big opportunities, but, like he always says, he values his sleep more than money.

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